Sunday, May 25, 2008

Welcome! (New Posts are Below This One)

Welcome to our site of marriage and love! On this site you will find info that will be helpful if you are coming to the wedding in Portland. Places to stay, things to do while your here, transportation tips, etc. Also you will find fun facts about the love of Kevin and Lily, and some info about the big day itself. We will be adding info as we get closer to the big day, so check back. We are really excited that you will be participating in our union. Thanks for your support!
Also, please fill free to make comments--just click on the "# of comments" link at the end of the post. Then fill in your comment and sign it with a blogger id, nickname, or anonymous (the easy option). Then click "publish your comment". We'd love to hear your feedback/questions.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Hola friends and family!
Here is our schedule for the wedding and days before:

Thurs: small rehearsal at our house (you know if you're supposed to be there) and dinner at Nutshell at 7:30.

Fri: Family dinner (if you're related to us, we hope you can come!) at Queen of Sheba at 630pm.

Sat: Both Kevin and I will be enjoying our last day/night of freedom. (You know what that means--trips to the strip club for all--just kidding!!!) We will also be doing some last minute wedding stuff.

Sunday: Wedding at Leach Botanical Gardens at 1130, followed by lunch (also at Leach) about 1230 or 1pm. Leach garden is so beautiful, please enjoy a walk around the garden. We'll clear out by 4-5pm.
Later: After party at Ground Kontrol, and the Someday Lounge, with some eating before hand at the Vegetarian House at 730--we'll give more info at the wedding if you'll be joining us.

Monday: Some of you will be waiting until Tuesday to fly out, due to this whole Memorial Day weekend. Regardless of when you fly: mercury goes into retrograde on Monday, which often means communication and travel issues. No need to panic, just arrive a little earlier for flights and take you bags on with you if you can!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Car Pooling!

Hey everyone. We want to car pool as much as we can on the morning of the wedding. So, if you rented a car let us know and we will hook you up with some car buddies.
If you want to use public transport go to the TriMet website.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


There will be a basketball game on Saturday afternoon and you're invited. Check back for more details, or give a call when you get here.